Returns & Refund Policy

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How to Get a Refund or Return

Customers can cancel their orders at any time before 4:00 pm on the day they were made. However, once the order has been sent, we can only partially cancel it. Please use the complaints process and write down your ticket number. If you need to contact anyone on the team, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We're sorry, but because of how the goods we sell work, we can't give returns on items that have already been shipped. Medicines need to be kept in the right way, and the tamper-proof packaging needs to be whole. You should Message us on What's App if you want to ask for a return.

Items that were sent wrong or in error

A return can be given in the following situations, If you receive an item that is broken or damaged during shipping, doesn't work as described or claims to, or was sent to you in the wrong way, you can get your money back. We will pay for the shipping to send the items back, and we will either send the right thing again or give you a refund.

Call our Customer Service team if you think any of the things you bought need to be fixed or fixed. You can email or call us during business hours (Monday through Friday, 9 am–5.30 pm; Saturday, 9 am–1 pm), and we'll tell you how to return the things.

Changing Your Mind

If you change your mind, you can return an item for a refund or credit as long as you follow these rules:


Once we receive your returned items, we'll process your refund. Refunds are sent back to the card you used to make the purchase. Depending on your card provider, this process may take 5 to 7 business days.If you send an item back in full, we'll repay the standard postage you paid for it. We're sorry, but we can't refund the cost of shipping when you return part of an order.

Limits on refunds

It's too bad that you can't return medicines, even prescription medicines, or things that have had their cleanliness seal broken. You can check your items carefully, just like you would in a store, but you can only return things you've used if they are damaged or don't work right.

These terms are on top of our standard sales terms and conditions.